Thursday, May 22, 2008

and we are back

I could say that it's a big old mess.

but it's not.

truth is I have missed blogging. and here is what you have missed:

Nut is two.

I am divorced.

AN affair is what ended is.

and I don't want to talk about it more.

I haven't blogged in awhile. and here I am, back.

oh, did I mention that I have been dating someone? someone who loves Nut?

i'm back.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Last call

The Peanut Chronicles is closing up shop. A lot of things have gone on in Nut's life, which has been pretty serious. Seeing as my brother reads this, (hey Sean) I will say no further to what is up. However, I am still here and there... and you have my email if you want to keep in touch.

peace love and brown rice,

Joanna and the Nut

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


TPC is going on Hiatus until further notice due to an audit at work.

those of you who are interested in what's going on.... you know where to find me.



Tuesday, October 17, 2006


We are being audited at work. I have now found the one down side to being on salary. I take work home.

It's incredibly hard to get work done when you have this to put to bed.

That would be Peanut, playing with Axel, the bear my cousin in Chicago gave him. They are best friends and partners in crime. It's amazing how many tiems I have woken up to find him giggling and talking baby talk to his little buddy.

In other news... the Bear and I are taking Colleen's advice (the doc, not the friend.) I can't say that I am not still shocked over the news. I am. I really am. But the Nutter makes us both giggle so much that we cry.

ahhh... there is nothing like rambling to make my day longer when I should be doing case studies.

PS thanks for the advice ladies.

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Sunday, October 15, 2006

Big news!!!

Wow. really big news rocked little Nut's world on friday. REALLY big news. and the thing is, I can't believe I didn't see it coming. actually I did, I chose to ignore it. and until further notice, this is all you get as a teaser (sorry Hurri)

Funnier yet, I ran into three people I knew from doing a show when I was younger today!! i hadn't seen them since my mother's funeral. it was interesteing tht I ran into all three of them in different plasces while running errands with nutter. what is really great is that they all have young kids now!!! and we are going to have a play group/mom group! this will be great because Nut needs some friends who aren't over thirty and I need some people to talk to who HAVE KIDS because I think that they would understand a lot of the trails of Nut and mommyhood better then those who are assuming that they know all about kids and yet don't have any.

And my job is still just fabulous. Nut, by the way, says mom now. not mama, MOM. he only says Dada to the Bear. but me, it's mom.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006


somehow my blog became beta. this is a good thing?


Monday, October 09, 2006

What I love about my best friend

My best friend is named hurricane. (actually, this is a legit nickname that my grandfather gave her.) tonight, after everythingblew up and I told the bear my darkest secret even though Quasi advised against it, she happened to call from Maine. and we talked. and talked. and talked. and it was wonderful. and refreshing.

why? because she is outraged. absoultly outraged with the immature backstabbing bitch. and she is outraged with the bear as well.

and it's friends like Hurricane that make problems seem better. I could talk about things with her that I can talk to no one about. and she knows EVERYTHING. and she is just as pissed off at people as I am form our past and angry over incidents that we finally discussed.

but most of all, she wants to take names and kick ass. and THAT'S why i love her.

"your good friend will pay your bail from jail. your BEST friend will be sitting on the bench next to you saying, "man, that was fun!'"

I couldn't agree more.

PS sue- I changed my mind and yes I want the cards. see your site for details.


Me and Nut the toddler. enough said.

My Photo
Location: Outskirts of Metropolis.

I am as simple as snow.

Obsess? Me?

and we are back
Last call
Big news!!!
What I love about my best friend
I stand corrected...
I love coming home
I wonder where I am...

Once upon a time

January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
May 2008

Once I had links... then I was hacked... now I am slowly replacing my links

Suburban Turmoil

Princess Stink


Mad World

PJ mama

C.U.S.S. (and other rants)

Mr. T's momma

Midwestern Mommy

Third Time's the Charm?

Queen of Spain

First Year



Mommy off the record


Red Stapler (or why it's good to be a gangsta)

The Goon Squad


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